




Music Time with Debbie from Baby Bounce


Joia aceasta avem o invitată minunată la grup, o jurnalistă britanică stabilită de 15 ani în România, care a adus un program de introducere a muzicii și a lecturii la bebelușii și toddlerii de până în 2 ani, Baby Bounce, despre care aflăm mai multe mai jos, direct de la sursă:

“Baby Bounce is an early literacy and music programme, delivered in libraries in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It has a “lap-sit” format: babies and toddlers sit on their parent’s lap and enjoy songs, music, rhyme and finger play. It is recommended for infants up to two years (though we are flexible). Baby Bounce promotes literacy, musicality, love of language and learning, focus and concentration, socialisation, and parent-child bonding. For non-native speakers, it also serves as an early introduction to English in the crucial development phase of newborn to toddler, when children’s brains are in peak language-learning mode. ”

Și câteva cuvinte despre Debbie, invitata noastră specială:
“I am a British author, English teacher, and – my hardest job! – mother to two little boys whom I’ve seen learn and thrive through their enjoyment of music and singing. My musical experience in Romania includes working with artists from the bands Vama, Sarmalele Rece and Vocea Romaniei contestants on English-language aspects of their songs. I’ve also worked on projects for the British Council, PwC and Thomas Cook among many other clients. I’ve lived in Bucharest for 15 years, during which I’ve learnt a lot about Romanians’ relationship with the English language and how best to help them learn and improve.”

Vă așteptăm joi 18.04, de la 11 la 13, la Zarva – Club de Harababură pentru copii (Str. Gramont, numarul 38, sector 4, Bucuresti).
Taxa este de 20 de lei/adult si se achită direct personalului locului de joacă.
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Detalii Eveniment

Data inceperii evenimentului 18 apr. 11:00
Data incheierii evenimentului 18.04.2019 13:00
Capacitate (locuri)
Pret 20 Ron
Locatie Zarva Club de harababura pentru copii


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